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South East Hound Open Show 2015 Critique

Thank you to South Eastern Hound Club for my appointment to judge Deerhounds at your show, in such a lovely setting and friendly atmosphere. Huge thanks to my poor suffering Steward as we battled through the rain. I had a wonderful entry of Deerhounds and thank you to the Exhibitors who showed the brave heart spirit , as our breed were the only ones to ignore the weather and carry on regardless. Luckily two Exhibitors who took a tumble on the wet grass were unscathed and they and their Hounds continued showing.

I was pleased to find no light eyes. Fronts have improved...but some feet are still too flat. I,m sorry to say I was disappointed again in the quality of the hind movement. The power to drive a Deerhound forward comes from the rear assembly I find it sad for the breed that rear construction espeically in the dogs is producing hounds that have too close action and in some cases lameness. mostly high up from the hip and handlers unaware.

However I was pleased with my final lineup and my BOB, RBOB and BP, it was disappointing that my BOB was unable to stay for the BIS judging.

PUPPY   2 Entries (0).

1st.  Finnett and Heathcote...HYNDSIGHT DECKARD  NAF; 10mth Dog. Pleasing head with dark eye . Dark crisp coat. Correct shoulder placement and width to chest.Good length from hip to hock and width to rear. Moved well with purpose and even after his handler fell on the wet slippery surface this youngster wasnt spooked and went on to win his place and BP.

2nd. Girling....PYEFLEET URSULA; 6mths Bitch. the baby of this class. Lovely wheaten brindle coat. Feminine head with such a sweet expression and a dark eye. Presenting a lovely picture in profile. Good front and rear. I preferred her top line to 1. Little playful on the move but full of character and she is one I shall watch for the future.

JUNIOR  2 Entries (0).

1st. Finnett and Heathcote..HYNDSIGHT BECAUSE THE NIGHT. Dark coated bitch, she took my eye as she entered the ring with her movement. Nice head, dark eye and neat ears.Good width to rear and low hocks. She moved effortlessly around the ring with drive from her hind. She won her place on her movement coming and going.

2nd. Woolf.....GREYFLAX PERFECT DAY. Another shapely bitch lighter in colour. I liked her topline which she held on the move. Sweet expression and dark eye with neat ears. Would have preferred more width to chest. She pushed my winner but just lost out on the movement coming and going .

NOVICE 7 Entries (3),

1st. Finnett and Heathcote HYNDSIGHT REASON TO BELIEVE. 2 yr Bitch . Good head and dark eye and neat ears. Width to front and rear with the tightest of feet. Tends to dip her topline but owing to the pouring rain I forgave her. Moved with purpose and drive earning her first place.

2nd. CHUILINN BELLINA. Smaller bitch to my winner. Lovely femine head and dark eye that just draws you in with such a sweet expression. She has width and everything in proportion I just wish she was a 1/3 bigger overall. Pushed my winner so hard on another day places could change.


GRADUATE 6 Entries (1).

1st. Finnett and Heathcote. SHAGIEAD MRS BRIDGES. 3yr Bitch. Stood out in this class for me as one of the most finnished hounds. Nice head and dark eye. Deep chest and initially appeared shorter coupled until she moved out and settled her top line. The best mover in this class with drive from rear and low hocks espeically coming and going.

2nd. Ticehurst and Chapman.REGALFLIGHT ROMAN. 20mths Dog. Young male with just so much to like this was my find of the day and the one I would have liked to have taken home. Masculine head correct shoulder placement. Tight feet and width to front. good bend of stifle and low hocks. Plenty of width to hindquarters enabling him to move soundly with drive. This is one to watch, just unfortunate to meet my winner today.


OPEN DOG.  6 Entries (4).

1st. Wilkinson . SIREADH CHASE. Mature dog lighter in colour masculine head and dark eye. This dog is a complete surprise when you put your hands on him. Under that coat there is so much to like and a lot of dog. One of the best shoulder placements I've ever found, depth of chest and leading into solid hind quarters set on low hocks. I could see him doing a days work and he more than has the power to bring down a full grown Stag. Moved with drive and he just lost out for BOB but I was delighted to award him RBOB.

2nd. Faircloth, BEARDSWOOD RIPLEY FOR CALBRAIDH. Different type to my winner. Lighter in frame. Gentle expression and lighter eye .Well set ears and a strong neck. Would prefer more width to chest but good length to hips and low hocks. Moved well coming and going.

OPEN BITCH. 11 (4).

1st. Redmond HYNDSIGHT RIPLEY TO SHAGIEAD. Quality bitch with feminine head dark eye and neat ears. Well proportioned correct shoulder placement with width to front and rear hindquarters. In profile she stood out in a quality line up and didnt disappoint on the move even though her handler took a tumble. She held her topline and movement was effortless. I was pleased to award her BOB and wished she had been able to compete for BIS.

2nd. Gilhooley FREYJA AT NOBYS.  7yrs Loved this bitch and her type. Lovely head and expression and the tightest of ears. Good coat in lighter grey. Plenty of width to chest and correct shoulder placement .She moved with drive and pushed my winner so hard. She was a pleasure to go over and later I discovered that she was David's girl and she is such a tribute to him.

3rd. Finnett and Heathcote. HYNDSIGHT A GIRL LIKE YOU.

Glynis Pink